ID 712780


Professional Services: Town of Carrboro Land Use Ordinance, Carrboro, NC

Orange County

Bid Date: 07/31/2024 at 03:00pm

Pre-Bid: 07/15/2024
Zoom session is provided below: Meeting ID: 846 9155 6546 Passcode: 927693 One tap mobile +16469313860,,84691556546# US +19294362866,,84691556546# US (New York)

Trades: Developer: Construction Development and/or Urban Planning , *A&E Professional Services: Architecture, Engineering, Consultant, Consulting & Planning Services

The intent of this Scope of Work is to serve as a framework for major tasks as currently envisioned by the Town. This is not a comprehensive list. A complete Scope of Work and an estimated fixed fee will be developed in consultation with the selected team based on the Town’s needs and the Responder’s experience and capabilities. The work is to be in accordance with planning and zoning authority and address, among other topics, land use, stormwater, special flood hazard areas, environmental sustainability and resilience, historic preservation, permitting, administration, appeals, variances, enforcement, etc. The Town has identified the following as the core interests that this project seeks to advance. 1. Developing a new Land Use Ordinance is a key implementation strategy related to the Town’s comprehensive plan, Carrboro Connects (PLAN, 2022). The Town is seeking to rewrite and modernize its land use regulations as specified in numerous chapters of the PLAN. 2. Advancing the PLAN’s two foundational elements - addressing systemic racism and injustice and addressing climate change. 3. Evaluating and incorporating all the PLAN’s goals and strategies, completing associated policy and geographic analyses for best practices, providing clear directions relating to transportation infrastructure requirements (i.e. complete streets and standalone bicycle and pedestrian facilities), incorporating downtown area plan zoning, land use regulations recommendations, engagement, and input. 4. Creating, to the fullest extent possible, a user-friendly, simplified, clear, and easily understood Land Use Ordinance, that i. Meets or exceeds all generally accepted land use law, state and federal statutory provisions, and case law. ii. Creates efficient processes for review and approval, while ensuring sufficient and appropriate notification, engagement, and community participation. iii. Enhances the Table of Permissible Uses (permitted and not permitted uses), permit requirements, and supplemental regulations; incorporates all conditional zoning ordinances; rewrites sign provisions. iv. Eradicates vague, unclear, or confusing language and incorporates language and intent statements that are consistent from one section to another. a. Written in a manner that is understandable by a member of the public. b. Ensures that definitions are included for all essential words used. c. Clarifies all sections in concise language, removes conflicts due to overly complex constructions. v. Updates, creates, and embeds graphics, charts, and figures into relevant sections. vi. Provides for language accessibility and meets ADA digital accessibility standards.

Town of Carrboro NC
 Patricia McGuire, via email
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Published 07/03/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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