ID 714242


Telecommunications - Boring & Pulling of Fiber, Various Arvada locations

Adams County

Owner Reference: 24-PW-057

Bid Date: 08/01/2024 at 10:00am

Trades: Low Voltage Electrical Contractor (LVE): Residential Wiring, Telephone/Sound/Cable TV Systems, Fiberoptic, Fiber Optic, Ethernet, CO-01 - *General Engineering Contractor GEC; Subcontractor Opportunities

The City (AFON) is seeking to contract with a qualified vendor to pull fiber through underground conduit for the City’s build out of an Outside Plant (OSP) City wide communications network. This network will play a critical role in helping Arvada and its citizens address challenges in safety, mobility, economic vitality, and provide for future communications needs. As currently planned, the network will require about 60+ miles of fiber cable and will be deployed over a number of years. The City of Arvada is also collaborating with the Jefferson County School District and the Arvada Fire Protection District on this build out, so will be an opportunity of installing a significantly greater amount of fiber cable. Currently all cable will be pulled primarily through 2” conduit with vaults located about every 800 feet but in some places it will be 1,000 feet,

City of Arvada CO
 Cheryl Dye
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Published 07/17/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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