ID 714638


Housing and Livability Improvements Action and Implementation Plan, Commerce City, CO

Adams County

Owner Reference: CMO2024_9

Bid Date: 08/23/2024 at 05:00pm

Trades: *A&E Professional Services: Architecture, Engineering, Consultant, Consulting & Planning Services

The City seeks to improve existing housing inventory and living conditions within the core portion of the City, primarily in the area of the City south of 88th Avenue. Contract Duration This project will have a term of approximately six (6) months beginning on or about September 16, 2024 and running until March 8, 2025. General Project Requirements Consultant(s) will be responsible for creating and delivering an action plan and budget for the City’s dedicated money for housing improvements. The tasks are as follows: Task 1) identifying potential projects or programs that will be most impactful, Task 2) preparing a budget that outlines funding for various programs, Task 3) preparing a community engagement plan that targets community members that are not often included in engagement efforts, Task 4) reporting.

City of Commerce City CO
 Alex Van Zante
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Published 07/22/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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