ID 714916


Time, Attendance, Employee Identification, and Access Card Systems, Kingman, AZ

Mohave County

Owner Reference: 24F-0822

Bid Date: 08/22/2024 at 03:00pm

Pre-Bid: 07/31/2024
Teleconferencing: For login information, contact Michael Nentwig, CPPB, no later than Tuesday, July 30, 2024.

Trades: Locksmith & Security Equipment Contractor: Access Control, Gate/Door Releases, Jail/Prison Locking, Intrusion Alarm Systems

In order to gain economies of scale, Mohave is formally soliciting sources for time, attendance, employee identification and access card systems as specified within this Request for Proposal. These products/services are requested for Mohave’s statewide membership of approximately 480 public agencies. However, other members may be added during the term of an awarded contract(s). A current list of all members can be found on Mohave’s website at Contracts, in whole or in part, shall be awarded to offeror, or offerors, for an initial one (1) year term and four (4) potential one-year extensions (contract modification). The scope of work and specifications define the quality and characteristics of the desired materials and application. They are based upon specifications for known acceptable manufacturers, processes, materials employee time, attendance, identification and access card systems. The specifications are not intended to be exclusive or to restrict competition. Offerors may offer alternate solutions, including alternate manufacturers, which meet the quality and performance characteristics in the specifications. Mohave shall review such offers and be the final judge on the acceptance of any alternate solutions. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.

Mohave Educational Services Cooperative, Inc., (MESC) AZ
 Michael Nentwig
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Published 07/23/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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