ID 714945


Miscellaneous Sanitary Sewer Lift Station Rehabilitation, Largo, FL

Pinellas County

Owner Reference: 24-B-807-0-2024/KS

Bid Date: 08/20/2024 at 03:00pm

Trades: CG - *General Engineering Contractor GEC; Subcontractor Opportunities, Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction & Repairs WWTP/OSSF OnSite Sewer Facilities Lift Station-General Engineering Contractor, Pipeline Contractor: Water Mains, Sewer Lines, Drains & Pipe Laying + Related Structures; Includes Pipe Inspection Camera

The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals required to modify, alter and/or convert existing structures as shown or specified. B. Existing structures, piping, and equipment shall be removed and dismantled as necessary for the installation of the new equipment in accordance with the requirements herein specified. Bonds required.

City of Largo FL
 Kezia Southern
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Published 07/23/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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