ID 715124


Trenton Thunder Locker Room & Clubhouse Renovations, Trenton, NJ

Mercer County

Owner Reference: AB2024-16

Bid Date: 08/14/2024 at 11:30am

Pre-Bid: 07/30/2024
Trenton Thunder Stadium located at 1 Thunder Rd, Trenton, NJ 08611, followed by a site visit.

Trades: *General Building Contractor GBC: Building Construction Services, Subcontractor Opportunities

Mercer County, NJ solicits electronically sealed bids for renovations at the Trenton Thunder Locker Room & Clubhouse for the Mercer County Park Commission located at One Thunder Road, Trenton, NJ 08611. The project includes the renovation of the home and visitors’ locker room facilities. Project will be constructed under a single prime contract (GMP). Bonds required. Prevailing wages.

County of Mercer NJ
 Isamar Maldonado
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Published 07/24/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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