ID 715188


Traffic Signal Upgrades & Improvements, Broad Ave & Van Nostrand Ave, Englewood, NJ

Bergen County

Owner Reference: 24-24

Bid Date: 08/06/2024 at 11:00am

Trades: Traffic Signals, Traffic Calming, Control & Monitoring - Electrical & General Engineering Contractor, C047 - High Voltage Electrical Contractor (HVE): Transmission Lines, Power Lines, Venues, Arenas, Utility, Transformers, *General Engineering Contractor GEC; Subcontractor Opportunities

The work to be performed under this contract includes the upgrading the vehicular and pedestrian traffic signals to current standards providing vehicular and pedestrian detection, and signing and striping to incorporate the new signal operation. Replacing the existing traffic signal heads, poles, mast arms, and wiring to conform to current design standards. Construct handicap ramps and provide detectable warning surfaces on each intersection corner. Installing underground conductors and junction boxes for wiring connections. Principal items of work in the project include: • 1 Unit Controller, 8 Phases with Battery Backup • 1,380 L.F. Traffic Signal Cable, 10 Conductor • 4 Unit Image Detector • 284 L.F. 3" Rigid Non-Metallic Conduit • 6 Unit 18" x 36" Junction Box. The construction stakeout/layout shall be performed by a qualified New Jersey licensed professional land surveyor. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.

City of Englewood NJ
 Sean Canning
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Published 07/24/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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