ID 715219


Ocean Avenue Lift Station (LS6) Rehabilitation, Port Orange, FL

Volusia County

Owner Reference: 24-12-0-2024/cnk

Bid Date: 08/02/2024 at 02:30pm

Pre-Bid: 06/21/2024
City Hall, Council Chambers (1st floor), 1000 City Center Circle, Port Orange, FL 32129.

Trades: CG - *General Engineering Contractor GEC; Subcontractor Opportunities

This project consists of the rehabilitation of the East Ocean Avenue Lift Station. The existing dry pit pumps will be replaced with two submersible pumps running on VFDs and a new diesel bypass pump installed, adjustable mechanical bollards will be installed, existing infrastructure will be raised to provide protection from flooding, a platform will be installed to provide access to the raised infrastructure, and new fencing will be constructed. Sod replacement, driveway repair, including concrete, asphalt, dirt, and gravel replacement in kind will be required at all disturbed areas. Bonds required.

City of Port Orange FL
 Chip Kent
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Published 07/24/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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