ID 715271


Dawson Butte Forest Stand Improvement Project, Dawson Butte, Castle Rock, CO

Douglas County

Owner Reference: #027-24

Bid Date: 08/16/2024 at 07:00pm

Pre-Bid: 07/31/2024
Site visit related to this project. The mandatory site visit will allow all potential contractors the opportunity to view the work site location and discuss the project details. The mandatory site visit will be held at the dawson butte project site, 1753 Tomah Road, Castle Rock, Colorado 80109. Only those prospective contractors, attending the mandatory site visit, will be allowed to submit a response on this project.

Trades: Tree Service Contractor: Trimming/Pruning Trees, Stump & Tree Removal/Rooting/Grinding

The Department of Open Space and Natural Resources of Douglas County Government, hereinafter referred to as the County, respectfully requests qualifications and pricing from responsible and highly-qualified contractors for the provision of the services associated with the successful completion of the Dawson Butte Forest Stand Improvement Project, as specified. The Dawson Butte Forest Stand Improvement Project is located in portions of the South ½ Southwest ¼ of Section 6, Township 9, Range 67 West, Sixth Principle Meridian, Douglas County, Colorado. The project area is located off of Tomah Road, approximately 7 miles southwest of the Town of Castle Rock, Colorado. Douglas County Open Space owns the property. CSFS will be the Project Administrator and an agreement is in place with Douglas County Open Space. • A site inspection is required for this project. Work involves forest stand improvement and fuels reduction in a ponderosa pine and Gambel oak forest via mechanical mastication and hand felling. Bonds required.

Douglas County Government
 Carolyn Riggs
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Published 07/25/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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