ID 715345


2023-2024 Watermain Replacement Project - Cambridge and Emerald Hills, San Mateo, CA

San Mateo County

Owner Reference: ENG24-15

Bid Date: 07/31/2024 at 02:00pm

Estimate: $ 3,800,000.00

Trades: Class A - *General Engineering Contractor GEC; Subcontractor Opportunities

The work includes furnishing labor, equipment, and materials for installing PVC and HDPE water pipe, including valves, couplings, air release valves, blow off assemblies, tapping sleeves, corrosion protection, restraints, trenching, traffic controls, dust controls, paving, pavement restoration with slurry seal where required on the Project Drawings on San Mateo County right-of-way, new domestic water services, new water services to existing water main, abandonment of existing water services, fire hydrant assemblies, fire hydrant assemblies to existing water main, shoring and all other associated work. Contract Documents fully describe the Work.

Redwood City School District CA
 Avery Lai
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Published 07/25/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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