ID 715788
Alachua County
Owner Reference: 2024-03
Bid Date: 08/20/2024 at 03:00pm
Trades: *Landscaping Contractor: Grounds Maintenance Grubbing Fertilizing Sodding Lawn Mowing Rooting Mulch Hardscaping Rockscaping
RFB 2024-03 is a solicitation for bids from qualified contractors to perform all tree and vegetation maintenance, but not mowing, required and specifically directed and approved by the City of Alachua by individual Work Order for work on the approximately fifty two (52) miles of city owned right of way within the municipal limits. Work includes, but is not limited to, tree trimming, tree removal, stump grinding, brush clearing, clean up and debris removal. The transport and disposal of all debris is the sole responsibility of Contractor.
City of Alachua FL
Donna Smith
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Published 07/30/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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