ID 717572


RFP 5689 Inner Harbor Seawater Desalination Treatment Plant Project, Corpus Christi, TX

Nueces County

Owner Reference: RFP5689

Bid Date: 09/09/2024 at 02:00pm

Estimate: 737,000,000.00

Trades: *A&E Professional Services: Architecture, Engineering, Consultant, Consulting & Planning Services

The City of Corpus Christi (“the City”) will use a two-step progressive design-build procurement process pursuant to Texas Government Code Title 10, General Government, Subtitle F, State and Local Contracts and Fund Management, Chapters 2251, 2252, and 2269 to select a design-build contractor (the “Design-Builder”) to deliver the Inner Harbor Seawater Desalination project, consisting of (1) the planning, design and construction of a reverse osmosis water treatment plant with an installed facility production capacity of 30 MGD (the “Plant”); (2) design and construction of certain offsite ancillary facilities including the access roadway improvements and the product water integration pipeline; (3) marine design and construction of the seawater intake and concentrate diffuser and discharge; (4) short-term management, operation and maintenance of the Plant; (5) design and construction of the means for treatment and disposal for Concentrate and other water treatment by-products generated by the Plant; and (6) design and construction of the electrical substation (collectively, the “Contract Services”).

City of Corpus Christi TX
 Josh Chronley
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Published 08/13/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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