ID 718381
Tuolumne County
Owner Reference: RFP-2024-0196
Bid Date: 09/19/2024 at 02:00pm
Pre-Bid: 08/30/2024
Albert N. Francisco Building 1st Floor Entrance Lobby 48 Yaney Avenue Sonora, CA 95370
Trades: C20 - HVAC Contractor: Heating Ventilating Air Conditioning & Controls, Air Handler/Air Chillers. Includes RTU's
The County of Tuolumne (County) is seeking assessment and design services from an HVAC specialist to develop plans and specifications related to an effective and efficient HVAC system in the Albert N. Francisco building, that takes into consideration current ductwork and electrical supply.
County of Tuolumne CA
Michael Roberson
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Published 08/19/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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