ID 719669
Calhoun County
Owner Reference: 9400-00-018
Bid Date: 10/02/2024 at 10:00am
Pre-Bid: 09/12/2024
2525 FM 1593 South, Point Comfort, Texas 77987.
Estimate: 1,000,000.00
Trades: Marine Boat Dock Construction: Fender Systems, Wharf, Berths, Pile Moorings, Boardwalks, Hardware, Supports, Pier Parts & Repair, Marine Contractor - General Engineering Contractor, Road Improvements: Pavement Resurface Seal Coat for Highway Roads Bridge Dam Overpass, Runways - NAICS 237310
Construction Plans, Contract Documents and other pertinent documents will be uploaded to CivCastUSA in the near future. We apologize for the inconvenience. We expect the documents to be uploaded by Wednesday 08/21/24. Keep checking the project for more information. By signing up on the plan holders list, you will be notified by email, once the documents have been uploaded. This will relieve constantly have to check the project. We look forward to a successful project and appreciate your cooperation and understanding. Marine, Heavy Civil, Roadway. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.
Calhoun Port Authority TX
Scott Mason
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Published 08/27/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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