ID 720046
Comal County
Owner Reference: 2024-003
Bid Date: 09/13/2024 at 05:00pm
Trades: Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction & Repairs WWTP/OSSF OnSite Sewer Facilities Lift Station-General Engineering Contractor, Suppliers
The Scope of work generally includes the supply, delivery, installation assistance, startup, operational assistance, decommissioning and removal of a MF/UF membrane pilot treatment system to treat clarified water at HC WTP. The following services are anticipated to be required for the pilot study. • Direct and assist with the offloading and installation of the pilot unit. • Assist the development of the piloting program by supplying pilot procedures for operation of the pilot unit. • Conduct pilot plant start-up. • Provide training on the operation of the membrane pilot system to the Engineer and the CRWA’s operational staff. • Assist with remote data collection and analysis. Membrane pilot equipment supplier will provide the ability to download the data from the pilot. Should the MFSS desire remote access, the MFSS will supply a cellular connection and cover fees associated with receiving data via cellular connection. Provide Engineer and CRWA real-time access to pilot data for monitoring purposes. CRWA will retain control of the data collected. • Be available as needed for technical support with remote troubleshooting of the pilot plant operation as required during the pilot testing program. There shall be three trips for a total of 9 days on site (not including travel days) for troubleshooting after start-up and commissioning. • Collect data required to validate membrane design criteria, backwashing and chemical cleaning protocols, and process guarantees. • Prepare a written report at the end of the pilot, summarizing the results of the pilot data collection. • The Engineer will prepare and submit a pilot test report that meets the TCEQ’s requirements for innovative technologies. The pilot test report will meet the requirements outlined by the TCEQ’s Public Drinking Water Program Staff Guidance in the Review of Pilot Study Reports for Membrane Filtration (30 TAC §290.30 and 30 TAC §290.42(g)). The MFSS shall provide all data necessary to meet these requirements, including all process flows, feed filtrate and transmembrane pressure, temperatures during filtration and cleaning, details of the pilot scale and proposed full scale direct integrity test necessary to calculate log removal values and all backwash and chemical cleaning cycle sequences and setpoints. At complete list of data required will be provided to the selected qualified manufacturers. • MFSS will be responsible for supply of the transfer pump, pump controls tied to the pilot skid HMI, and necessary connections to transport water from the settled water storage tank to the MF/UF membrane pilot units. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.
Canyon RWA Regional Water Authority TX
Hanna Diaz
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Published 08/28/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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