ID 721125
Merced County
Owner Reference: 22-01
Bid Date: 10/10/2024 at 02:00pm
Pre-Bid: 09/18/2024
The meeting will be held at City of Atwater Council Chambers
Trades: *A&E Architecture & Engineering: Professional Services, Consultant, Consulting & Planning Services
The City of Atwater, in partnership with the County of Merced (“County”), initiated a Project Study ReportProject Development Support (“PSR-PDS”) to evaluate improvements to Bellevue Road, a major collector road alignment, that would help relieve congestion and improve traffic flow through the City along Bellevue Road. The Project will reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled (“VMT”) while restoring Bellevue Road as a major entry to the northern portion of the City, providing a more direct route between State Route 99, the City, and the Castle Commerce Center to the east. Bellevue Road would be realigned just south of the existing Bellevue Road, then conform near the intersection of Parade Street and Bellevue Road within the City corporate limits. New intersection connections are required at Vine Avenue and Orchard Park Avenue. The PSR-PDS identified two (2) alignment alternatives; however, in discussions with Project stakeholders a third viable alternative alignment emerged between these two. All three alignments were evaluated in the adopted Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration. The City Council adopted the Alignment Alternative 3 as the preferred alignment. The adopted PSR-PDS is included as Attachment D to this RFP; the adopted IS/MND is included as Attachment E; the adopted Alignment Alternative No. 3 is included as Attachment F; and the adopted Bellevue Road Cross Section is included as Attachment G. Prevailing wages.
City of Atwater CA
John Seymour, PE
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Published 09/08/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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