ID 721985
Clark County
Owner Reference: 607302-24
Bid Date: 10/17/2024 at 02:15pm
Pre-Bid: 09/26/2024
Meeting Information Join by phone: 1-408-418-9388 United States Toll Access code: 2490 370 1827 Meeting URL: Copy the following URL into your browser Attendance at the pre-bid conference and site walk through are mandatory. All Bidders are responsible for signing the attendance sheet. SITE WALK at 9/26/24 @ 11:00 am. at 301 East Clark Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89101.
Estimate: $1,184,650 - $1,247,000
Trades: Class A - *General Engineering Contractor GEC; Subcontractor Opportunities, A-license - Pipeline Contractor: Water Mains, Water Lines, Sewer Lines + Related Structures; Includes Pipe Inspection Camera
The Work consists of the removal and replacement of isolation valves on domestic water and hydronic systems and the addition of isolation valves at each floor for chilled water, heating water, and domestic cold / hot water risers, removal and reinstallations of ceiling and wall components to access the valves and the installation of new access panels where indicated. Refer to Phasing Plan for additional information. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.
County of Clark NV
Geraldine Cruz
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Published 09/13/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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