ID 721989


McBean Parkway Water Main Replacement Project, Santa Clarita CA

Los Angeles County

Bid Date: 10/16/2024 at 02:00pm

Pre-Bid: 09/19/2024
Via Web: The project site will be available for bidders, subcontractors, etc. to visit on September 23, 2024, 10:00 a.m., Pacific Time. The site visit is optional.

Estimate: $750,000 - $1 Million

Trades: Class A - *General Engineering Contractor GEC; Subcontractor Opportunities, C34 - Pipeline Contractor: Water Mains, Water Lines, Sewer Lines + Related Structures; Includes Pipe Inspection Camera

Installation of approximately 1,700 LF of 12-inch DIP and 100 LF of 8-inch DIP in McBean Parkway and Alegro Drive (from Orchard Village Road to Dalgo Drive) and abandonment of approximately 1,400-LF of existing 12-Inch ACP water main in place. All the existing service laterals and fire hydrant are to be abandoned and reconnect to the new 12-inch DIP. Please refer to the McBean Parkway Water Main Replacement drawings for location map and scope of work. It is night work, and the construction is in residential and hospital neighborhood. Since approximately 800 LF of water pipe installation will be occurred at the frontage of the Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital, the CONTRACTOR shall exercise caution when performing work and extremely important to maintain access to the hospital at all times. The work includes but is not limited to mobilization, trenching, shoring, installation of a waterline and appurtenances; abandonment of an existing water line in place; traffic control; and all associated work (“Work”) as indicated in the Contract Documents. The AGENCY has procured 1,638 LF of 12-inch DIP, 162 LF of 6-inch Dip, 54 LF of 4-inch DIP, and 36 LF of 3-inch DIP for this project. The pipes are stored at Castaic High School located at 31575 Valley Creek Road, Castaic, CA 91384. The AGENCY will provide all the accessory kits for TR flex pipe when contractor picks up the pipes. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.

Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency (SCVWA) CA / Castaic Lake Water Agency CA
 Elaine Blanford
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Published 09/13/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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