ID 723033
Anne Arundel County
Owner Reference: 1-25-5-06-5
Bid Date: 10/09/2024 at 01:00pm
Pre-Bid: 09/25/2024
Hawkins Point Landfill 5501 Quarantine Rd, Baltimore, MD 21226
Trades: Tank Cleaning, Installation & Repair, Pressure Washing: Fiberglass, Steel or Concrete Tanks - General Engineering Contractor, Industrial Painting & Coating Contractor: General Engineering Contractor (Includes Graffiti Removal)
The Maryland Environmental Service is soliciting competitive sealed bids from qualified Contractors for surface preparation and coating of the floor and inner walls of the containment dike surrounding the leachate storage tank and the steel pipe support. Located at the Hawkins Point Landfill 5501 Quarantine Rd, Baltimore, MD, 21226. This is a Small Business Reserve Procurement, for which award will be limited to certified small business vendors.
State of Maryland Environmental Service (MENV) MD
Qieon Graham
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Published 09/19/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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