ID 723966
Franklin County
Owner Reference: 603371-127660
Bid Date: 10/08/2024 at 02:00pm
Estimate: $12,452,000.00
Trades: Road Improvements: Pavement Resurface Seal Coat for Highway Roads Bridge Dam Overpass, Runways - NAICS 237310, Concrete Contractor: Sidewalks, Curbs, Gutters, Driveways, Handicap ADA Ramps. Pedestrian Improvements, CIP Concrete NIGP 913-47, *General Engineering Contractor GEC: Engineering & Infrastructure Building; Opportunities for Subcontractors
Project limits include North Main Street from the School Street intersection to the Lincoln Avenue intersection in Orange, MA. Proposed work includes site clearing, temporary sedimentation barriers, full depth construction, roadway widening and narrowing for a consistent roadway width, ADA compliant cement concrete sidewalks and pedestrian ramps, rebuilding historic stone retaining walls, replacing failed stone retaining wall with reinforced concrete cantilever retaining wall, guardrail and safety rail installation, drainage system modifications, Fall Hill Brook culvert replacement with new concrete culvert, abandonment of existing culvert, stormwater basin, wetland replication and restoration landscaping, signing, striping, and installation of RRFBs at crosswalks at Dexter Street and new school access drive, and replacement of two School Zone Speed Limit Flashing Beacons. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.
Commonwealth and State of Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT or MADOT) MA
Jonathan Gulliver
Published 09/25/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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