ID 724773
Yuba County
Owner Reference: 23-M03-06
Bid Date: 10/15/2024 at 02:00pm
Pre-Bid: 10/01/2024
Lindhurst High School 4446 Olive Avenue Olivehurst, CA 95961
Trades: C16 - Fire Protection Systems, Fire Alarm & Fire Suppression Contractor, Fire Pumps & Fire Hydrants, C10 - High Voltage Electrical Contractor (HVE): Transmission Lines, Power Lines, Venues, Arenas, Utility, Transformers
The Work of Project is defined by the Contract Documents and consists of the following: 1. General a. It is expected that school will be in session for the duration of this project. Contractor shall coordinate with the schoolĂs schedule to minimize disruption of school facility use and activities. b. Coordination with other contractors may be required on this project, at the discretion of the owner, including coordination with district vendors, the owner's representatives, and district personnel. 2. Demolition a. Minor demolition of existing fire alarm systems and finishes as required for installation of the new fire alarm system. 3. Site a. Includes trenching, backfilling, and surface material repairs where such activities occur. 4. Interior a. Patching, finishes repair, and painting as needed. Final construction shall provide a finished product acceptable to the Owner. b. Provide access doors as needed for the installation of concealed fire alarm initiating devices. 5. Fire Alarm a. Voice EVAC requires additional wiring. Unless otherwise noted on the drawings, contractors shall assume that the existing conduit between buildings is adequate to handle this additional wiring. b. Except as noted on the drawings, assume that all exterior conduits between buildings will be reused. c. Assume that all exterior conduits between buildings will be reused. d. Assume that interior pathways (including conduit or wiremold) for initiation devices will be reused. e. Assume that interior pathways (including conduit or wiremold) for notification shall be replaced with new conduit. f. Where wiring is concealed within t-bar/drop ceiling spaces, plenum rated wiring may be run free air. g. All new conduit exposed to view shall be primed and painted. Contractor shall assume a maximum of four (4) paint colors. h. In most locations new wiremold will be white. However, if new wiremold is being installed in a space where other wiremold is present, the wiremold color shall match the existing wiremold. B. Type of Contract: 9/5/2024 Marysville Joint Unified School District 3 23-M03-06 Lindhurst HS Fire Alarm Replacement 1. Project will be constructed under a design-bid-build contract.
Marysville Joint Unified School District CA
Brian Horn
Published 10/02/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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