Gundry Reservoir Roof Replacement and Rehabilitation Project, Signal Hill, CA

Los Angeles County

Owner Reference: PW 95.23001

Bid Date: 10/11/2024 at 02:00pm
22 Days until bid date

Pre-Bid: 09/27/2024 @ 01:00pm

Trades: Class A - *General Engineering Contractor GEC; Subcontractor Opportunities

The Work under these Contract Documents includes, providing all labor, products, materials, tools, equipment, and incidental services for the Gundry Reservoir Rehabilitation Project including (but not limited to): Demolition, dismantling, removal, and disposal of the existing Gundry reservoir and sand basin roofing system, supporting columns and footings, concrete coatings, piping and pipe support/hangers coatings and hardware, overflow grating, transducer and wiring as needed, sample piping as needed and landscaping to accommodate drainage improvements, including a small detention basin. Salvage materials as described in the Contract Documents. Salvage includes pipe supports. Site earthwork consisting of minor grading to accommodate a drainage swale and retention basin. Removal of existing coatings and linings, crack repair and relining for the Gundry Reservoir: One 5 MG semi below grade, circular existing concrete tank for potable water storage and associated appurtenances. Tank piping including: Proposed Inlet piping (12-inch); rehab existing outlet piping (4-outlets of unknown size); an inlet piping sample line. Aluminum Roofing Installation on the existing concrete reservoir walls and existing sand basin concrete walls. Coordination with City of Signal Hill and the MWD operations for scheduling valve closures to isolate pipelines and Reservoir shutdowns and other coordination as necessary to accomplish the work of the project. Include provisions to handle water when dewatering isolated pipelines. Ancillary work including mobilization, bonds, permits, and demobilization; temporary erosion control including a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP); traffic control and permitting. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.

Jesus Saldana
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Owner: City of Signal Hill CA

Published 09/15/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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