Notice Inviting Qualified Contractors, Del Mar, CA

San Diego County

Owner Reference: 20230731

Bid Date: 12/31/2024 at 08:00pm
105 Days until bid date

Trades:  *Construction Management / General Contractor (CMGC)

For inclusion on the City of Del Mar's list of qualified contractors under the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act, please provide the required information via email, to 1. The Company Name, email Address, USPS Address, Fax Number (if available) to which a Notice to Contractors or Proposal should be mailed, faxed, or emailed; 2. A Phone Number at which the contractor may be reached; 3. The Type of Work in which the contractor is interested and currently licensed to perform (earthwork, pipelines, electrical, painting, general building, etc.); 4. The Class of Contractor's License(s) held; 5. The Contractor License Number(s); and 6. Any Special Request/Notes by the contractor. You may also provide the required information via mail: City of Del Mar - Public Works Department Attn: Mariel Cairns 2240 Jimmy Durante Boulevard Del Mar, CA 92014

Management Analyst
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Owner: City of Del Mar CA

Published 07/13/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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