John R. Kelly Generation Station, Spring 2025 Outage, Cooling Tower Water Flow Distribution Restoration, Gainesville, FL

Alachua County

Owner Reference: RFP-2025-028

Bid Date: 01/29/2025 at 03:00pm

Trades: CGC - *General Engineering Contractor GEC: Heavy & Civil Engineering Construction, Infrastructure; Opportunities for Subcontractors

The Plant outage is currently scheduled for 02/25/2025 through 03/23/2025. As is standard with outage procedures, the Contractor should plan for approximately four (4) days on both the front end and back end of the outage period for shut down and start up activities. Therefore, the Contractor shall assume they will have nineteen (19) working days with the cooling tower isolated and the cold water basin drained. The Contractor should understand that these dates are subject to change, but the number of working days with the cooling tower offline should remain largely unchanged.

Michael Benefield
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Owner: Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU) FL

Published 01/09/2025 on Construction Bid Source

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