ID 721078
Hillsborough County
Owner Reference: 24-C-00030-0-2024/AH
Bid Date: 10/08/2024 at 01:30pm
Trades: CGC - *General Engineering Contractor GEC; Subcontractor Opportunities, Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction & Repairs WWTP/OSSF OnSite Sewer Facilities Lift Station-General Engineering Contractor
The rehabilitation of approximately 15,087 linear feet of various pipe ranging from 8-inch to 21-inch diameter gravity sewers with a cured-in-place pipe liner and rehabilitation of 45 manholes. Services include cleaning and inspection, sewage bypass pumping, re-establishing service connections, maintenance of traffic, lateral grouting, manhole rehabilitation and surface restoration as necessary. Bonds required.
City of Tampa FL
Ana Hawes-Verbeek
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Published 09/07/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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