Professional Services Consultant Roster, Lewiston, ID

Nez Perce County

Owner Reference: RFQ-25-006

Bid Date: 12/31/2027 at 05:00pm
1049 Days until bid date

Trades: *A&E Architecture & Engineering Services: Professional, Consultant, Consulting & Planning Services

The City of Lewiston, Idaho is requesting Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from qualified firms to establish a professional services consultant roster of engineers, architects, landscape architects, land surveyors, and construction managers for use during the calendar years 2025 through 2027. The roster may be used for projects with an estimated professional services fee valued at or less than $200,000. Projects with professional services valued greater than $200,000 will be advertised individually. The City of Lewiston reserves the right to request additional information from firms, to interview firms on the roster, and/or to re-advertise for consulting services for specific projects if deemed to be in the best interest of the City. Firms are evaluated using the Qualifications-Based-Selection (QBS) process.

Candy McHargue
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Owner: City of Lewiston ID

Published 11/26/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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