Howell Bus Garage - Electric Vehicle Chargers Construction, Howell, NJ

Essex County

Owner Reference: IFB No. 0000119

Bid Date: 02/11/2025 at 02:00pm

Pre-Bid: 12/18/2024 @ 11:00am

Trades: C047 - High Voltage Electrical Contractor (HVE): Transmission Lines, Power Lines, Venues, Arenas, Utility, Transformers, *General Engineering Contractor GEC: Heavy & Civil Engineering Construction, Infrastructure; Opportunities for Subcontractors

New Jersey Transit solicits bids for work that generally consists of but is not limited to trenching, excavating, conduit installation, wiring, exterior lighting, concrete foundation, equipment pad, parking lot striping and installation of electric vehicle charging stations along with the furnishing of all related equipment. All work must be in conformance with the specifications provided in the Bid Documents. All Bidders must be prequalified for HC – Heavy Construction – Non-operating Railroad Environment as a GC (General Contractors) for an amount of work that is equal to or greater than their bid amount with a minimum rating of G ($500,001 to $750,000). A Fourteen Percent (14%) Category 4 SBE/DVOB Goal has been assigned to this project.

On-Line Bidding System Only - no calls
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Owner: New Jersey Transit NJ

Published 12/14/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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