Saspal Slough Bridge Repair Project 2025, Astoria, OR

Clatsop County

Owner Reference: B0262

Bid Date: 12/12/2024 at 02:00pm

Trades: Concrete Contractor: Sidewalks, Curbs, Gutters, Driveways, Handicap ADA Ramps. Pedestrian Improvements, CIP Concrete NIGP 913-47, Earthwork & Paving Contractor, Asphalt, Land Clearing, Path & Trail Construction: General Engineering Contractor, Road Improvements: Pavement Resurface Seal Coat for Highway Roads Bridge Dam Overpass, Runways - NAICS 237310

Bridge repairs on County Bridge #B0262, State NBI #11129 (Saspal Slough Bridge), located at milepost 0.65 on Brownsmead Dike Road in Clatsop County, Oregon. This bridge was constructed in 1959 and is owned and maintained by Clatsop County. The superstructure is concrete with a concrete deck, the substructure consists of 9 bents with timber pile and timber caps. The bridge is 241’ long, with an overall width of 26.8’ and a roadway width of 22.2’. The work to be done under this contract consists of the following: • Provide all equipment, material, and labor to complete the contract as specified herein. • Prepare steel and apply 3 coat paint system to all steel components of the repair (including pile sleeves if installed). Steel preparation and paint application must meet paint manufacturers recommendations. • Excavation of the roadway adjacent to and underneath the bridge, providing sufficient room to remove and install all components of the repair including the temporary bridge support systems. All materials removed from the roadway become the property and responsibility of the contractor. Removal quantities and payment will be based on in place compacted material removed regardless of truck loads hauled. • Install pre-engineered temporary bridge support system and slightly lift and support the bridge at the bents to be repaired. All materials necessary for the temporary bridge support system shall be provided by the contractor and remain contractor’s property upon project completion. All components utilized for the temporary support system must be removed from the site upon project completion. The temporary support system must be approved by the Clatsop County Engineer prior to project commencement. If drilling holes through the bridge deck is necessary for the temporary support system the holes must be repaired by the contractor utilizing concrete deck repair grout specified on ODOT’s Qualified Product List dated July 2024. • Remove timber sway bracing, timber pile caps, timber corbels, (timber piling above the sleeve preparation cut off elevation if necessary), sections of existing steel pile, and dispose of materials. Place Bor8 Rods in all bolt holes from removed timber sway bracing and drive tight fitting wood plugs in each side until flush with pile. All components removed from the bridge become the property and responsibility of the contractor and must be removed from the site and surrounding area. With the exception of the pile caps removed from bents 3, 6, & 7. These caps shall be removed in one piece (bent 7 two pieces) and set aside for the County. Contractor shall load caps onto County trailer at agreed upon time. • Install steel pile sleeves over existing timber pile. The contractor is responsible for providing compressive strength test for each grout pour on structural pile sleeves. Grout must reach a minimum of 9000psi before a load can be placed on it (only if rot is found, see drawing notes). • Core rot out of the center of wood pile to be sleeved and fill with grout (only if rot is found, see drawing notes). • Jack pile into place in spliced sections until reaching 50 tons of resistance (only if extensive rot is found, see drawing notes). Pile splice detail shall be provided by County. • Install steel pile caps. • Attach existing steel pile to steel caps and sway bracing. • Replace all timber corbels with steel. • Install steel sway bracing. Including composite lumber spacers as needed (when pile alignment creates a space of 1 inch or larger between sway brace and piling). • Lower bridge onto reconstructed bents, install gasket/bearing pad, and secure cap to bridge. • Install steel backwalls. • Backfill and compact road prism with crushed rock incorporating geotextile fabric. Quantities and payment will be based on truck ticket tonnage. • Contractor must provide a schedule of the repair procedure at the time of or before the preconstruction meeting. • All work will be consistent with design and drawings provided by County and must pass inspection by County Engineer or designee. • All erosion, sediment, and pollution control devices necessary shall be provided and maintained by the contractor. • All BMPs shall meet ODOT standards for bridge repair and maintenance. • Calling for locates and working with utilities is the responsibility of the contractor. • All welders to be certified in accordance with AWS D1.1. • Contractor will comply with Federal, State and County regulations, including 401 Clean Water Act, SLOPES V Transportation, and Endangered Species Act. • Contractor will guaranty all work for two years from date of completion. • Performance, payment and bid bonds required. • All aspects of erosion and sediment migration shall be controlled during the entire construction period, including all temporary removal/fill material stockpiles. All disturbed soils must be stabilized upon project completion. • Follow ODOT Best Management Practices for Bridge Repair and Maintenance ODOT Bonds required.

Dean Keranen
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Owner: County of Clatsop OR

Published 10/23/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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