Design/Engineering Services for Storm Water Drainage System Master Plan Development, Cottage Grove, OR

Lane County

Owner Reference: 2025-1

Bid Date: 02/26/2025 at 02:00pm

Trades: *A&E Architecture, Engineering Services & Design: Professional, Consultant, EOR Services & Consulting, Stormwater Prevention Plan (SWPP), Regional Flood Planning Group (RFPG), Floodproofing & Flood Risk/Pollution Reduction

B. Scope of Work: The City anticipates that a full complement of professional services shall be provided by the engineering firm(s) selected for this project. The selected engineering firm or firms will be expected to develop a Storm Water Drainage Master Plan to guide the City in maintaining and improving the current system over the next 20 years serving its current and future customers. The plan will include CITY OF COTTAGE GROVE PAGE 3 OF 11 STORM WATER MASTER PLAN PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS State regulatory requirements for Cities with populations that exceed 10,000 residents. Master Plans must comply with OAR 660-011 for “Public Facility Plans”. I. OBJECTIVES: A. Objectives will be to: 1. Assess the condition of the storm water systems infrastructure. 2. Identify and prioritize storm water system capital improvement needs as needed for maintenance of the existing system and to provide improvements to accommodate anticipated growth within the service area 3. Evaluate technology usage and identify opportunities to improve operational efficiencies and/or achieve cost savings. 4. Identify potential funding sources and methodologies to assist with capital improvement needs. II. SCOPE OF WORK TASKS: A. Probable Research Tasks 1. Review the adequacy of the City's current and/or planned storm water drainage system including conveyance systems under the Coast Fork River. 2. Review the existing storm water drainage utility maps and provide GIS updates with assistance of City staff. 3. Review regulatory requirements for both existing and future conditions, provide guidance to the City and help identify any additional actions needed to continue meeting TMDL and MS4 requirements. B. Probable Work Tasks 1. Prepare GIS asset inventory and condition assessment model of the storm water drainage infrastructure with updated and existing City GIS data. 2. Create a hydraulic and hydrologic computer model of the stormwater system. 3. Review and recommend technological improvements that would benefit the City’s storm water drainage system. 4. Prepare visual GIS representations of storm water and infrastructure modeling results. C. Probable Deliverables 1. Prepare a Comprehensive Capital Improvement Plan (CCIP). Establish Criteria, Determine Weighting Factors, Create a Scoring Process and Identify Project Priority Rankings through development of a Project Priority Matrix for storm water infrastructure repairs. 2. Perform a utility rate analysis based on project results. 3. Prepare a discussion of Impact Fees and maintenance funding methodologies based on CCIP results.

Damien Gilbert
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Owner: City of Cottage Grove OR

Published 01/28/2025 on Construction Bid Source

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