**NEW BID DATE**Gulf Coast Water Authority - Clarifier No. 2 Coating Rehabilitation, Texas City, TX

Galveston County

Owner Reference: 06.24.12-6000

Bid Date: 01/28/2025 at 02:00pm

Pre-Bid: 01/08/2025 @ 02:00pm

Estimate: $500 - $650 kusd

Trades: Industrial Painting & Coating Contractor: General Engineering Contractor (Includes Graffiti Removal), Sand & Water Blasting Contractor; Hydroblasting, Pressure Washing, Street Power Washing Services, *General Engineering Contractor GEC: Heavy & Civil Engineering Construction, Infrastructure; Opportunities for Subcontractors

Contract is for Clarifier No. 2 Coating Rehabilitation. Refer to Technical Specifications 09 90 00 Clarifier Coating. Sandblasting all internal metal areas where the coating has failed to the point that bare metal is exposed to an SSPC-SP10 specification. Apply a prime coat of paint (white in color) to areas that were sand blasted. Sweep blasting all surfaces of the metal that is internal to the clarifier in order to achieve specified surface profile of the existing coating to the point necessary to provide for proper bonding of paint to be applied. Apply a final coat of paint (buff in color) to all surfaces of the metal that are internal to the clarifier. Apply a final coat of paint (grey in color) to all surfaces of the metal that are external to the clarifier. Coating repairs are to be made in such a way to restore the coating to a condition that makes it equivalent to the original installed condition. Apply an approved cementitious mortar to the exterior of clarifier in locations where existing spalling has occurred. Approximately 12 locations (estimated 25 SF total). Bonds required. Prevailing wages.

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Owner: Gulf Coast Water Authority TX

Published 12/18/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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