CLS Electrical Panel Replacement, Charlottesville, VA

Albemarle County

Owner Reference: 2025-IFB-3020620

Bid Date: 02/06/2025 at 02:00pm

Pre-Bid: 01/16/2025 @ 03:30pm

Estimate: $30k-$75k

Trades: High Voltage Electrical Contractor (HVE): Transmission Lines, Power Lines, Venues, Arenas, Utility, Transformers

Sealed bids are invited for the ‘CLS Electrical Panel Replacement’ at Community Lab School, 1200 Forest St., Charlottesville, VA 22903. The project is generally described as the replacement of existing electrical panelboards with new. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.

Vidhi Danak
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Owner: County of Albemarle VA

Published 01/15/2025 on Construction Bid Source

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