CBS ID: 737661
Colonial Heights City County
Owner Reference: 25-022702-7149
Bid Date: 02/27/2025 at 02:00pm
4 Days until bid date
Pre-Bid: 02/05/2025 @ 10:00am
Trades: Wastewater Treatment Plant/Facility Construction & Repairs WWTP/WRF/OSSF OnSite Sewer, Lift Station
The project consists of replacement in kind, of three existing 18 inch knife gate vales at the City's main sanitary sewer pump station, located at 2701 Conduit Road, Colonial Heights, VA. The Pump Station Valve Replacement project consists of work including, but not limited to, installation of: Three new 18 inch knife gate valves; Bypass of sewage flows at the pump station during installation of new valves. Bonds required.
Larry Melvin
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Owner: City of Colonial Heights VA
Published 01/08/2025 on Construction Bid Source
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