NVCC AN CA Replace Doors, Annandale, VA

Fairfax County

Owner Reference:  260-B4260-005

Bid Date: 02/10/2025 at 02:00pm

Pre-Bid: 01/30/2025 @ 10:00am

Trades: Door Service Contractor: Including Bay Doors, Gates, Activating Devices & Overhead/Garage Door Opener

Sealed bids are invited for the construction of NVCC AN CA Replace Doors, 260-B4260-005 at Annandale, VA. The project is generally described as replacing the student services doors in the student services building (CA Building). Bonds required. Prevailing wages.

Merlin Espinal
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Owner: Northern Virginia Community College (NVCC) VA

Published 01/23/2025 on Construction Bid Source

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