Matthew Whaley Elementary School HVAC Replacement, Williamsburg, VA

James City County

Owner Reference: 20250720

Bid Date: 03/04/2025 at 02:00pm
9 Days until bid date

Pre-Bid: 02/05/2025 @ 10:00am

Trades: HVA - HVAC Contractor: Heating Ventilating Air Conditioning & Controls, Exhaust Systems, Air Handler/Air Chillers. Includes RTU's

The Work under this project consist of the replacement of the Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system at Matthew Whaley Elementary School, located in the City of Williamsburg, Virginia. Matthew Whaley is a three-story, 67,750 square-foot brick building built in 1931. The current HVAC system at Matthew Whaley Elementary School was installed in 1998 and has reached the end of its useful life. One air-cooled chiller (out of two) was replaced in 2019, and its replacement is included in this project as Additive Bid Item #1. All hydronic pumps were replaced in 2019 and are excluded from the scope of this project. The hot water boilers were replaced in 2022 and are excluded from the scope of this project. Bonds required.

Linda Hodges
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Owner: County of James City VA

Published 01/28/2025 on Construction Bid Source

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