Post Date Bid Date Project ID / Title
11/20/2024 01/09/2025 (731675) NEW BID DATE Wastewater Treatment Plant UV Disinfection Improvements , El Centro, CA
12/15/2024 01/10/2025 (734825) Design Build - Holabird Plant and Kiowa Plant Solar Generation Project , IMperial & San Bernardino County, CA
12/17/2024 01/13/2025 (735171) Network Cabling Replacement and IDF Buildout at Juvenile Hall , El Centro, CA
12/17/2024 01/14/2025 (735168) 11-2N1974 Cold Plane, HMA-A, RHMA-G, Microsurfacing, & Pavement Markings , Imperial County, CA
10/02/2024 01/16/2025 (724769) NEW BID DATE El Centro Generating Station Wastewater Project , El Centro, CA
11/02/2024 01/23/2025 (729009) NEW BID DATE Electric Power Utility Construction and Maintenance Services – IID Service Territory Imperial Valley , Imperial Valley, CA
11/02/2024 01/23/2025 (729011) NEW BID DATE Electric Power Utility Construction and Maintenance Services – IID Service Territory Eastern Coachella Valley , Coachella, CA
11/23/2024 01/30/2025 (732073) JPA, Ave. 42 - 3rd Bank Addition , La Quinta, CA
10/12/2024 11/20/2024 (726184) Maintenance of MV Breakers, Switchgear and Generating Step-Up Transformers 2025-2027 , Imperial, CA
10/22/2024 11/21/2024 (727369) *New Bid Date* RE-BID K-Line Hardening Project Geotechnical Services , Imperial, CA
11/06/2024 12/02/2024 (729661) Imperial County AG Commissioner's Building - Remodel of Existing Break Room , El Centro, CA
12/09/2024 12/17/2024 (733936) Electrical Panel Mirror, Data Boxes Install , El Centro, CA
11/29/2024 12/19/2024 (732810) *Subcontractor Opportunities* Harding Elementary School Transitional Kindergarten (6) Classroom Addition Phase II - Site & Modular Building Improvements , El Centro, CA